When you accept a mission in the typical video game, whether it be a main quest or a side mission, you normally get something like a musical cue with some text on the screen. Sometimes this will be accompanied by an additional audio sting to really let you know you’re off to the races.

Although there are some great examples of this throughout gaming history — Fallout comes to mind, with its windswept sound effect as the text creakily shambles across the screen — very few go the extra cinematic mile that Ghost of Tsushima does.

See, in Ghost of Tsushima, there’s a unique title card for every mission, usually framed over a field of white flowers or a shanty house against a sun-drenched backdrop.

I’ve collected a few to share from the early game. Some people consider quest titles to be spoilers in and of themselves, so if you’re in this boat, you might want to skedaddle before you see something you didn’t want to see. However, if you don’t mind a quick peekaboo at some title cards, enjoy the few I’ve picked out below.

Ghost of Tsushima - Title Card
Ghost of Tsushima - Title Card
Ghost of Tsushima - Title Card
Ghost of Tsushima - Title Card
Ghost of Tsushima - Title Card
Ghost of Tsushima - Title Card
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