Spelunky 2 - Moon Challenge

There’s a Trophy in Spelunky 2 called Excavator, which tasks you with completing the Moon Challenge. Here’s a quick guide to earning this Trophy.

Since the stages in Spelunky 2 are randomly generated, it’s a bit tricky to guide you exactly where you need to go, but I can give you some pointers.

First off, you need to find a woman named Tun in a little wooden shelter with a moon symbol on it.

Spelunky 2 - Moon Challenge

People are saying that she only will appear in stages 2-2 and 2-3, no matter if you choose Jungle or Volcana, though I’ve not been able to confirm this myself. When I earned the Trophy, I found Tun on stage 2-2 in the Jungle (I’ve also seen the challenge appear on Volcana).

Tun will ask you for $10,000, which you’ll have to pay to begin the challenge. Once you cough up the dough, Tun will tell you to go through a door.

Once inside, you’ll find a Mattock (pickaxe). Grab that and start digging. Your goal is to uncover as many secret rooms as you can before the Mattock breaks. Once it breaks, the challenge is complete and the Trophy should pop.

Spelunky 2 - Excavator Trophy

If you want to see a video of me completing the Moon Challenge in Spelunky 2, I’ve posted it below (I didn’t get the satisfying Trophy sound on video, but I promise you this is how I earned it).

I should also point out that I find digging downward to be incredibly awkward. And if you are wondering how I was able to climb the walls so easily, it’s because my character had the Climbing Gloves equipped.

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