Make no bones about it, Fallout 4 was a bit of a disappointment when it launched. Considering how influential and nearly flawless Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas were, I think the Fallout fan base, and the gaming community at large, were expecting Fallout 4 to push the needle into the stratosphere. Instead, it was mostly just a more visually polished Fallout that streamlined or abandoned some of the more RPG-rich elements from previous installments while doubling down on the admittedly fun yet still frustrating and limited base-building elements.
That’s why I’m hopeful for the Fallout Miami mod for Fallout 4. A labor-of-love modding project that has been ongoing for the last several years, Fallout Miami looks to offer the Fallout gameplay we’ve come to enjoy, only with a genuinely interesting-looking version of Miami, filled with sun and sand.
And the heat. My God, David, the heat.
There is no release date set yet for Fallout Miami, but believe you me, I am ready to hit the strip and strut my stuff, while also obliterating every living thing along the way.
I’m excited to see just what the modding team has cooked up, considering this looks more like a full fledged Bethesda DLC pack than a mod made by a group of talented fans. If they can deliver those small environmental stories and kooky elements that help give Fallout its endearing charm, Bethesda might just have a bit of competition in the open-world post-apocalyptic RPG genre.
You can check it the trailer below and revel in all of its beauty and savage glory.