Marvel's Spider-Man

While you can certainly go into Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales cold turkey, it might help to refresh your memory on how the previous game ended.

So here’s the mid-credits scene, as well as the post-credits scene, from Marvel’s Spider-Man (2018):

The first one is probably not super important, but it’s nice to see the friendship that’s blossoming between Miles and Peter. The post-credits scene, though, is probably going to have something to do with the storyline of whatever game comes after Miles Morales, even if it ends up relegated to the side activities (the stuff with Norman Osborne seems pretty important by the end of the 2018 game, so I’d actually be surprised if the next game’s main story doesn’t pick up this dangling web).

And here’s the post-credits scene from the Silver Lining DLC:

This one is not going to blow any minds, but it’s still pretty cool to see Miles in the Spider-Man mask. It has me really itching to play the full Miles Morales game.

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