We knew that IO Interactive had post-release plans for Hitman 3, but before now, the general public was in the dark about what those might be (though Elusive Targets were pretty much expected).
IO Interactive has now revealed their February roadmap for Hitman 3, and it features more Featured Contracts, Escalations, and the very first Hitman 3 Elusive Targets (there are two of them).

Here’s what they’ve revealed:
February 4
- The Baskerville Barney (Dartmoor Escalation Series)
February 11
- Dubai Featured Contracts
February 18
- The Sinbad Stringent (Dubai Escalation Series)
February 23
- Game update
- Dartmoor Featured Contracts
- The Gauchito Antiquity (Deluxe Escalation Series)
- The Proloff Parable (Deluxe Escalation Series)
February 26
- The Deceivers (Sapienza Elusive Target) – Expires March 8
If you ponied up for that Deluxe upgrade, you’ll be getting more stuff to unlock. Each Deluxe Escalation Contract offers three new unlockables.

The Gauchito Antiquity takes place on the Mendoza map and lets you unlock the following items:
- The Guru Suit
- Guru’s Pen Syringe Emetic (Poison)
- Guru’s Emetic Grenade (Tool)
The Proloff Parable takes place on the Carpathian Mountains map and lets you unlock the following items:
- The White Shadow (Suit)
- White Katana (Melee)
- Custom Sieger 300 (Sniper Rifle)
This isn’t a ton of content (it looks a lot bigger than it really is, I think), but February 23 looks pretty stacked for people who own the Deluxe Edition of Hitman 3. The White Shadow suit might become my new favorite suit in the game. Also, the Gauchito Antiquity is probably an easier way to get your hands on an emetic grenade (your other option is completing 12 Track 2 Escalations).
Actually, let’s talk about this content for a second. In order to enjoy the Deluxe Escalation Series, you must own the Deluxe Edition of the game. On top of that, the Elusive Targets (there are two of them) are on the Sapienza map from Hitman (2016). I assume you need to own Hitman and have it imported into Hitman 3 in order to access this content.
Part of me loves the fact that IO Interactive is treating the World of Assassination trilogy as a single episodic game. I wish more developers would take this route instead of releasing separate sequels to their games; I love having all my unlockables in a single place. However, this does leave people who only own Hitman 3 out of the loop a bit. If you own the base game of Hitman 3 only, your content roadmap is just two sets of Escalations and two sets of Featured Contracts. Oh, and the game update, of course.
That game update, which is planned for February 23, is still a bit of a mystery. IO hasn’t said what this will include yet, but I’m really hoping they figured out how to get our Requiem content into Hitman 3.
You can watch the Hitman 3 February roadmap trailer below (it is age-restricted, so keep that in mind).