The Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Outlaw Pass No. 4 has ended for Red Dead Online, but Outlaw Pass No. 5 is here to replace it. The pass goes live today, and it runs through May 31, 2021. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who obsesses over Red Dead Online news, as the contents of this pass leaked months ago (and it turns out those leaks were pretty much spot on).
Note that the active period for this pass is shorter than the previous one, but it only has 80 ranks instead of 100. This is a smaller pass, but it also comes at a cheaper price. You can purchase the pass for 35 Gold Bars, and if you complete the entire thing, you’ll earn back 25 of that. However, if you purchase the pass before March 23, you’ll get a 10 Gold Bar rebate, which does mean you’ll make back all 35 Gold if you act fast.
Note that the 35 Gold Bar purchase gets you the premium version of the pass — you’re enrolled in the base version automatically.
If you’re struggling to put together the Gold to purchase the Outlaw Pass, I put together a guide on earning Gold fast in Red Dead Online, updated for 2021. Check that out if you need to increase the efficiency of your Gold grind.

To purchase the premium pass, press the Options button (if you’re on PS4) to open the menu, then select Progress. From here, the Outlaw Pass No. 5 should be your first option. Select that to see more details about the pass. Now, select one of the premium items (in the bottom two rows, beneath the free items in the top row) and the option to purchase the pass should come up. Simply hold the X button (on PS4) to purchase the pass.
With all that said, let’s dive into what’s included in this pass.
Rank 1
- Faucheux Gloves (free)
- 25% Role XP Boost (premium)
Rank 2
- Phew emote (premium)
Rank 3
- Ability Card Upgrade coupon (free)
Rank 4
- Collectables Parcel (free)
- 3 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
Rank 5
- Ammo Pouch Upgrade – Varmint Rifle (premium)
Rank 6
- Health Tonic camera filter (premium)
Rank 7
- RDO$50 coupon (free)
- 25 Trader Good coupon (premium)
Rank 8
- Mansion Stairway photo backdrop (premium)
Rank 9
- Schiffer camp flag (premium)
Rank 10
- Mash Refill coupon (free)
- Faucheux Boots (premium)
Rank 11
- Pike’s Basin Photograph for your Moonshine Bar (premium)
Rank 12
- RDO$50 coupon (premium)
Rank 13
- Russet Cloth Wrap for Longarms (free)
- Collectibles Parcel (premium)
Rank 14
- Black Tousled Mane for your horse (premium)
Rank 15
- 3 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
Rank 16
- Game Fail camera filter (premium)
Rank 17
- Longarm Metal Change coupon (premium)
Rank 18
- Weapon Wheel camera filter (free)
- Ginger Polka Dot Wrap for Longarms (premium)
Rank 19
- Ammo Parcel – contains a selection of explosive ammo, as well as some Dynamite Arrows (premium)
Rank 20
- 30% Role XP Boost (premium)
- Softpaw belt buckle (premium)
Rank 21
- 50% off Select Boots coupon (premium)
Rank 22
- RDO$50 coupon (free)
- Parlour photo backdrop (premium)
Rank 23
- Amazed emote (premium)
Rank 24
- 5 Legendary Animal Pheromones coupon (premium)
Rank 25
- Faucheux Pants (premium)
Rank 26
- 25 Trader Goods coupon (premium)
Rank 27
- Stone Tousled Mane for your horse (premium)
Rank 28
- Fake Beard (free)
- Dishonorable photo filter (premium)
Rank 29
- Collectables Parcel (premium)
Rank 30
- 3 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
Rank 31
- 40% Off Select Bounty Hunter Role Items coupon (premium)
Rank 32
- Bull Moose Photograph for your Moonshine Bar (premium)
Rank 33
- Ammo Parcel – contains Slug Shotgun Ammo, Poison Arrows, and Small Game Arrows (free)
- Saffron Cloth Wrap for Longarms (premium)
Rank 34
- Moonshine Ingredients Parcel (premium)
Rank 35
- Listen emote (premium)
Rank 36
- 200 Sedative Varmint Rifle Cartridges (premium)
Rank 37
- Natural Tousled Mane for your horse (premium)
Rank 38
- Collectibles Parcel (premium)
Rank 39
- Provisions Parcel – contains Potent Miracle Tonics, Mature Venison, and Tender Pork (free)
- Facepalm emote(premium)
Rank 40
- Jewel Wilderness Wrap for Longarms (premium)
- Greysnout belt buckle (premium)
Rank 41
- Longarm Metal Change coupon (premium)
Rank 42
- Two-Strip camera filter (premium)
Rank 43
- Black Unkempt Mane for your horse (premium)
Rank 44
- Natural Cloth Wrap for Longarms (free)
- Mash Refill coupon (premium)
Rank 45
- Faucheux Hat (premium)
Rank 46
- Natural Unkempt Mane for your horse (premium)
Rank 47
- Handlebar Horse Moustache (premium)
Rank 48
- 5 Legendary Animal Pheromones coupon (premium)
Rank 49
- Ambarino camp flag (premium)
Rank 50
- Ammo Parcel – contains a variety of Split Point Ammo and some Fire Arrows (free)
- 40% Role XP Boost (premium)
Rank 51
- Black & White Tousled Mane for your horse (premium)
Rank 52
- Select Ponchos coupon (premium)
Rank 53
- Lake photo backdrop (premium)
Rank 54
- Ammo Ingredients Parcel (premium)
Rank 55
- 3 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
Rank 56
- Ability Card coupon (free)
- Ability Card upgrade coupon (premium)
Rank 57
- Nursteed Hat (premium)
Rank 58
- Hunting Parcel – contains Potent Herbivore Bait and Potent Predator Bait (premium)
Rank 59
- White & Tan Wild Tail for your horse (premium)
Rank 60
- Repeater Ammo Pouch upgrade (premium)
- Wetnose belt buckle (premium)
Rank 61
- Wag Finger emote (premium)
Rank 62
- 3 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
Rank 63
- Battlefield camera filter (free)
- Provisions Parcel – contains Oregano Big Game Meat and Miracle Tonics (premium)
Rank 64
- Back & White Unkempt Mane for your horse (premium)
Rank 65
- Sable Austrian Shepherd camp dog (premium)
Rank 66
- Free Ability Card Upgrade coupon (premium)
Rank 67
- 3 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
Rank 68
- Ammo Parcel – contains Volatile Dynamite, Poison Throwing Knives, and Volatile Fire Bottles
- Western camera filter (premium)
Rank 69
- Revolver Ammo Pouch Upgrade (premium)
Rank 70
- Faucheux Vest (premium)
- Faucheux Shirt (premium)
Rank 71
- Moonshine Ingredients Parcel (premium)
Rank 72
- Bushy Horse Moustache (premium)
Rank 73
- Select Vest coupon (free)
- Finger Slinger emote (premium)
Rank 74
- Aguado Jacket (premium)
Rank 75
- 3 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
Rank 76
- Burned Town Treasure Map (premium)
Rank 77
- Bow Ammo Pouch Upgrade (premium)
Rank 78
- Provisions Parcel – contains Potent Miracle Tonics and Thyme Big Game (free)
- Portbridge Vest (premium)
Rank 79
- Cobalt Tartan Wrap for Longarms (premium)
- Trimclaw belt buckle (premium)
Rank 80
- Fiddlehead emote (free)
- 4 Gold Bars coupon (premium)
- Faucheux Coat (premium)

So what do I think about all of this? Well, I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed. I always buy the Outlaw Pass (I’m loaded with Gold and I always complete all ranks anyway, so I might as well buy into it), but that doesn’t mean I’m always excited about it.
Some of these items are just plain ugly. I don’t like the Faucheux set at all (shown below), which seems to be the main draw for this pass. However, I’ll always take more dogs.

Honestly, the thing I’m the most excited about in this entire pass is the Varmint Rifle Ammo Pouch upgrade. So yeah, not a great Outlaw Pass.