Cozy Grove is a very fun Animal Crossing-like game made by a small studio called Spry Fox. With a smaller studio at the helm, the game is less afraid of jumping into emotionally delicate material than the folks at Nintendo might be, which makes Cozy Grove a more poignant experience. On the other hand, the game has a few issues that needed a little extra polish.
Well, a little extra polish is here with Patch 1.05. This fixes a lot of early-game exploits and bugs, and rebalances mid-game quest difficulty (as someone who time travelled way, way ahead in order to catch all of the fish, I can say with some certainty that mid-game needed some hardcore balancing). It’s good to see Spry Fox addressing some of these issues, and I can only hope that this level of support continues into the foreseeable future.
Here are the Cozy Grove 1.05 patch notes:
- Significant performance improvements.
- Fix exploit where you can sell started bird for ash and buy for coins. Now sells for coins.
- Fix some harvestables not showing their harvestable state correctly.
- UI improvement: snap decoration placement cursor to next point in pattern.
- Unlock lower-tier repair tool badges even after upgrading tools, so people can’t get stuck never earning the badge.
- Improve reward from one of Jeremy’s recurring quests which had potentially lackluster rewards.
- Fix exploit: time travel can make it possible to harvest an animal multiple times.
- Reduced requirements for several quests that seemed overly difficult or time-consuming to complete. (Especially true for Lee Berry.)
- Imps only drop imp essence.
- Mr. Kit can now sell more essence.
- Fixed issue preventing rare shells from spawning correctly in the springtime.
- Increase stack limit to 50 on branches, greens, processed fruit, processed root, processed mushrooms.
- Fix: some final bear quests weren’t awarding loot properly.
- Display error message when time traveling backwards, to help prevent players from harming their save files.
- Repair polish: Play animations when repairing item.
- Increase amount of early storage available to players.
- Make sure all parts of arrow buttons are clickable on options menu.
- Prevent opening badge menu when busy with an uninterruptable action, like fishing.
- Only common and uncommon decoration recipes and non-pro and non-master food recipes will now drop in first 2 days of play.
- Fixed potential softlock in baker bear quest.
- Increase likelihood of obtaining gold in certain situations.
- Further reduced the possibility of getting 1 fruit/berry/flower from a three-leaf plant (down to just 1% now).
- You now only receive essence recipes from donations.
- Improved some quest hints.
- Fixed potential softlock in Wolf bear quest.
- Blob fish can drop wood instead of just sticks.
- Fix for Ranger not accepting any adult deer like the hint says.
- Fixed potential softlock in Baker bear quest.
- Reduced vibration intensity.
- Reduced tier-up costs for silver and gold ingots, to make them more obtainable.
- Reduced request for rare shells from Veggie bear Q#2 from 5 to 3.
- Fixed hitch when receiving a hidden object quest.
- Improved decoration placement experience with controllers.
- Fixed duplicate recipes when quickly collecting many rewards.
- Fix for game locking when fishing a wood branch out of the water.
Keep ’em coming, Spry Fox!