In Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, there are several bosses that will challenge you to jankenpon before you fight them. This is basically the Japanese name for Rock Paper Scissors.
The first three rounds of every match are predetermined, so they’ll be the same every time you play. That means that if you memorize the first two to three turns, you can win 100% of the time.
I’ve made a list of all seven jankenpon matches, and what is played in the first three turns. I went with three instead of two in case you end up making a mistake, since you can still lose a round and win two out of three.

Gooseka will play:
- Scissors
- Paper
- Paper
So if you want to win, you should play:
- Rock
- Scissors
- Scissors

Chokkina will play:
- Paper
- Rock
- Paper
So you should play:
- Scissors
- Paper
- Scissors

Parplin will play:
- Scissors
- Paper
- Scissors
So you should play:
- Rock
- Scissors
- Rock
Gooseka (Round Two)

This time, Gooseka will play:
- Rock
- Rock
- Rock
So you should play:
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
Chokkina (Round Two)

This time, Chokkina will play:
- Scissors
- Scissors
- Paper
So you should play:
- Rock
- Rock
- Scissors
Parplin (Round Two)

This time, Parplin plays:
- Scissors
- Paper
- Rock
So you should play
- Rock
- Scissors
- Paper

Here he is! Here’s Janken! He’ll play:
- Rock
- Rock
- Scissors
So you should play:
- Paper
- Paper
- Rock