Open Country - Crashed Plane

In Open Country, there’s a mission called Building Up, in which Gary asks you to go search an abandoned mine for some constructions materials. I swear, Gary is trying to kill my character (which is fine, because my character is also trying to kill Gary, so we’re even).

While you’re on this mission, you’ll hear a crash and Ranger Ainsley will contact you about locating a lost mail plane. This will trigger the side quest Lost Post. Ainsley tells you to check the area around Cedar Pond, which is quite a hike from the mine. Once you arrive, your character will mention that they saw something on top of the cliff. The thing is, this location is surrounded on three sides by cliffs, so you could be searching for days and still not find this plane.

So where is the plane? Well, from Cedar Pond, you want to travel almost straight south.

Open Country - Crashed Plane

The good news is that the plane actually shows up on your map. It’s not marked (it probably should be) so you’ll have to look around for it, but if you spot it on your map, you could save yourself hours of aimless wandering.

Open Country - Crashed Plane

So how do you get up there? Well, you actually don’t have to climb up to where the plane is — I’m not sure you can. You just need to get close enough to it that you tick off the check box in your quest log. Now, you’ll need to pick up bags of mail.

Open Country - Cargo Mail

If you’re struggling to find them, you can see them a bit more clearly using Hunter Sense.

Okay, so now the bad news…

Open Country - Cargo Mail

There are 100 mail bags. No, I’m not joking. There are 50 in Tumnus Valley, 25 in Mellow Hills, and 25 in Snowridge. This is one of those side missions that you’ll be working on a little at a time over the course of the rest of the game. Good luck out there.

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3 years ago

I’m pretty sure you can’t get to the plane. I spent like 4 days until realizing all you needed was to get the box checked off. BTW, it took me along time to find the second journal of the golden revolver. The conversation made it sound like it was in the first house I went to.
Still a great game.

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