If you start the Miner Job in Final Fantasy XIV, you’re going to be doing a lot of heavy lifting. Not only is all that ore (probably) super heavy, but you’re collecting ore for several different Disciple of the Hand crafting Jobs. And there’s a surprising amount of different ore types scattered around Eorzea (to say nothing of the raw gemstones and other things you’ll find in mineral deposits).
As a Final Fantasy XIV crafting junkie, I often find myself overwhelmed by the sheer number of things I need to keep track of. Thankfully, I can make that just a little bit easier by listing out every single type of ore, along with where to find it in the game.
Prepare to spend a lot of time in Thanalan…
For this guide, I’m going to focus specifically on A Realm Reborn, which will take ambitious Miners from level 1 to 50. I’ll consider doing a second guide to cover all the expansions if people seem to want it (or if I think it would be useful for my own crafting).
Copper Ore Mining Location – Central Thanalan

Inevitably, the first ore you find will almost certainly be copper. You can find it in Central Thanalan, just outside the Gate of Nald, which leads into the city of Ul’dah.
Copper is a Level 1 ore, but it will be found in grade 5 mineral deposits.
Copper Ore Mining Location – Western Thanalan

You can also find copper ore in Western Thanalan, outside the Gate of the Sultana leading to the city of Ul’Dah. It’s right along the Eighty Sins of Sasamo, just to the east of Scorpion Crossing.
Tin and Zinc Ore Mining Location – Central Thanalan

You can find tin and zinc in the same deposits, so I’m going to list them together instead of separately. They can be found just north of where you found the copper. Keep in mind that you’ll mix copper and tin to make bronze (Goldsmith), and you’ll mix copper with zinc to make brass (Blacksmith), so which one you mine will likely be influenced by the crafting Job you’re supplying.
Tin is a level 6 ore, and zinc is a level 9 ore, but both are found in grade 10 mineral deposits.
Tin and Zinc Ore Mining Location – Western Thanalan

You can also find tin and zinc ore along the southern edge of Western Thanalan.
Iron Ore Mining Location – Western Thanalan

Iron can be found just outside Copperbell Mines. Note that there are more grade 15 nodes as you make your way toward Horizon, but those won’t have iron ore. The ones you’re looking for will be in the area that’s sectioned off near the mine.
Iron is a level 14 ore, and it can be farmed from grade 15 mineral deposits.
Silver Ore Mining Location – South Shroud

Silver ore can be found in the South Shroud, to the north of Camp Tranquil. It’s in a sort of bottleneck between Buscarron’s Druthers and Buscarron’s Scar.
Silver is a level 25 ore that can be mined from grade 25 mineral deposits.
Mithril Ore Mining Location – Southern Thanalan

You’ll find mithril ore way in the southernmost part of Southern Thanalan. There’s a small camp here where you’ll also find the quest “Zombies Are People Too.”
Mithril is a level 34 ore, and it can be found in grade 35 ore deposits.
Electrum Ore Mining Location – Upper La Noscea

Electrum ore can be found in Upper La Noscea. You’ll want to look in the Bronze Lake area, just to the south of Camp Bronze Lake.
Electrum is a level 43 ore that can be mined from grade 45 mineral deposits.
Cobalt Ore Mining Location – Northern Thanalan

You can find cobalt ore in the Bluefog area of Northern Thanalan, southeast of the Praetorium.
Cobalt is a level 47 ore that can be mined from grade 50 mineral deposits.
Darksteel Ore (Unspoiled) Mining Location – Coerthas Central Highlands

Darksteel can be found at a node just south of Camp Dragonhead in Coerthas Central Highlands, but only from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. Eorzea Time.
Darksteel is a level 50 ore that can be mined from grade 50 unspoiled mineral deposits. It can only be detected using the Truth of Mountains skill, which you’ll unlock when you level Miner to 46.
Platinum Ore (Unspoiled) Mining Location – Southern Thanalan

Platinum can be found at a node in the northen tip of Southern Thanalan, but only from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. Eorzea time.
Platinum is a level 50 ore that can be mined from grade 50 unspoiled mineral deposits. It can only be detected using the Truth of Mountains skill, which you’ll unlock when you level Miner to 46.
Gold Ore (Unspoiled) Mining Location – Eastern Thanalan

Gold ore can be found in the cave near Burgundy Falls in Eastern Thanalan, but only from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Eorzea Time.
Gold is a level 50 ore that can be mined from grade 50 unspoiled mineral deposits. It can only be detected using the Truth of Mountains skill, which you’ll unlock when you level Miner to 46.