If you own a PS5, you’ve probably gotten quite used to having a bevy of screenshot and video sharing options at your thumb via the Share button. However, you might occasionally come across an issue where you’re no longer allowed to share content. Instead, you’re met with the message: “You can’t share screenshots or video clips from this game.”

It can be super frustrating — especially if you’re someone like me, who runs a gaming website that needs fresh screenshots on a near-daily basis.

So how do you fix it?

Well, have you tried turning it off and on again?

Okay, so I’m actually being serious here. Restart your PS5. In most cases, this will fix the issue. So yes, before you do anything else, simply turn it off and on again.

However, in very rare cases, the issue might persist. That might be because Sony is actually working on the PlayStation Network and some of the features are temporarily disabled. If you want to see if this is the issue, go to the Settings menu on your PS5, then go to the Users and Accounts option. select Accounts and press X. You might encounter a message that says: “We’re doing some maintenance on PlayStation Network right now. Please try again later.”

PlayStation Network is down

The error code, in case you’re curious, is WS-116449-5.

If you encounter this screen, then all you can do is wait — the issue is on Sony’s side and you’re just going to have to wait for them to fix it.

This downtime is generally pretty short, but when the PlayStation Network is back up you might have to re-verify the email address that is attached to your account.

PSN - Verify email address

But don’t jump the gun on verifying your email address. It’s possible you might just have to wait for your system to re-connect to PSN to re-verify the email automatically, and if you attempt to manually verify your email address while PSN is down, your verification email will never get sent and you could be temporarily prevented from completing the process. So don’t do this before you can confirm that PSN is indeed back up and running and your system still wants to re-verify.

And that’s how you fix the “You Can’t Share Screenshots or Video Clips from This Game” on PS5. Hope this helps!

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2 years ago

This didn’t fix my issue. I reset my PS5 and rebuilt data base and the network isn’t down yet I can’t share anything but I can broadcast to YouTube

2 years ago
Reply to  Turiangel2014

Did you find any help on this my ps5 is doing the same thing

2 years ago

I have the same issue, nothing works. I can share screenshots or move them to a hard drive, but I cannot do that with videofiles that are screen captures.

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