Asterigos - Astraix

In Asterigos: Curse of the Stars, there is an optional boss called Astraix, which is this electric-charged stag kind of thing. If you beat it, you will earn the Crazy Experiment Trophy/Achievement. So where can Astraix be found?

Well, this one is actually super easy to find. If you fast-travel to the Acheron Bank in Styx, Astraix will be waiting for you on the bridge that leads into the prison tower. Here’s a video:

I thought this was one of the easier Trinity bosses, and my approach was to be as aggressive as possible. If you let Astraix get some of those high-power lightning attacks off, you’ll see your health draining super fast. So just don’t give it the opportunity. Swoop it quickly, and attack as hard as you can. If you can stagger it with your special attacks, even better.

There is one attack that spits pools of green poison onto the floor, and you’ll want to make sure you don’t step in it. It’s not super hard to avoid, but if you unwittingly stand in it, you’ll see your health dropping, so be careful. This attack actually comes from the snakes that make up the boss’s tail, so watch the tails closely and get ready to dodge the initial volley of goop.

Astraix will occasionally teleport in a lightning tornado, and this move is always followed up by an electric projectile, so be ready to dodge whenever it uses this teleport move.

The most devastating attack in this rotation, in my opinion, is the one where the boss charges up an electric blast that it then projects from its body in all directions. If you see it charging up, make sure you get away from the Astraix as quickly as possible (similar to Miltos’ flame burst).

And that’s how you defeat Astraix to earn the Crazy Experiment Trophy/Achievement in Asterigos: Curse of the Stars.

If you want to see guides for all ten of the Trinity Challenge fights, I’ve got an index here.

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