Gotham Knights will be here in just a few short days (October 21, 2022), and that means that those of us who pre-ordered it are getting antsy to get that early installation process started. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait that much longer, as preinstalls are slated to go live October 18 at 11 p.m. Central.
Look, Gotham Knights and I don’t agree on everything. In fact, there are quite a few things I certainly would have done differently if I were in charge of the creative direction of this game. But that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy the heck out of experiencing an open-world Bat-Fam game, and I’m really excited to see what the game does with the Court of Owls.
If you’re not familiar, the Court of Owls is a secret society that runs Gotham City behind the scenes, and they’re a really compelling enemy to face off against in a video game. I’ve been saying the Owls need to get the video-game treatment for quite some time now (since 2014, actually), so this is something of a dream come true.
I’m still a bit nervous about the direction of the game overall, but I guess I don’t have to wait much longer to see whether or not my nervousness was founded.
See you in Gotham, folks!