The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was one of the best video games of the 2010s. I was recently reminded of how good it was, in fact, because The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition got a final update that brings it up to snuff on current-gen consoles.
The update adds a few bells and whistles, like a photo mode and the option to play in a hard-locked 60fps, but it’s not really all that huge in terms of new content (there is a new questline and some new armor, so it’s not nothing). But the thing is, this game still holds up all these years later; it didn’t really need much updating.
What it did need, though, was a physical release. CD Projekt Red tends to go all out with their physical releases, and the original version of The Witcher 3 was an absolute treasure trove of cool stuff.
Well, it looks like modern-gen console-owners are getting in on this loot-fest too, as CD Projeket Red has announced a physical release for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Neither the press release that went out this morning, nor the news post on the official website clarify what exactly is included in terms of physical goodies (like the fold-out map and the stickers), but they do confirm that this is the full game with the next-gen update and all the previous DLC.
This physical edition comes out in just a few days, on January 26, 2023, in most of the world (though New Zealand and Australia have to wait until January 27, much of South and Central America have to wait until January 31, and Japan has to wait until February 9).
If you’ve somehow let The Witcher 3 pass you by, you should definitely pick up a physical copy at your local retailer. This is one of those must-play titles that holds up remarkably well almost eight years after its 2015 launch.