Welcome to Terra Nil, the reverse city-builder from Free Lives and Devolver Digital. The game is a ton of fun, and the launch version comes with 17 achievements to unlock. So here’s a complete list of every Steam achievement in Terra Nil.
- Goldilocks – Have 3 bears living on 3 different hills at least 10 tiles apart in the River Valley.
- Valley of the Wind – Restore the River Valley.
- Marine Haven – Restore the tropical region with at least 40% of the map being underwater.
- Abundant Life – Discover all animal species and fully restore biomes and climate conditions in the tropical region. (If you want to learn how to discover every animal species in the game, check out my full guide here.)
- Antarctic Oasis – Restore the Volcanic Glacier while still having at least 15 lava tiles.
- Beneath the Snow – Discover all animal species and fully restore biomes and climate conditions in the polar region. (Again, if you want to learn how to discover every animal species in the game, check out my full guide here.)
- Oryx and Crake – Discover all animal species and fully restore biomes and climate conditions in the continental region. (And one more time, if you want to learn how to discover every animal species in the game, check out my full guide here.)
- Global Rejuvenation – Completely restore the planet.
- Aerial View – Use screenshot mode to take a full map screenshot.
- Screensaver – Appreciate the beauty of nature for at least 60 seconds.
- Wildfire – Burn down 25 buildings with a single fire.
- Perfect Location – Construct an Animal Observatory at the intersection of 4 different tier 2 biomes.
There are five hidden achievements in the game, and I’m going to list them all below. Note that four out of five of these can only be earned after you’ve completed the main story campaign, which unlocks the Abandoned Quarry, Archipelago, Polluted Fjord, and Irradiated Sprawl maps.
- Minecraft Rocks! – Create rock by causing lava and river to meet. (If you want a guide on how to unlock this achievement, you’re in luck. You can check out my Minecraft Rocks! guide here.)
- Open-cast Reclamation – Restore the Abandoned Quarry.
- Flooded Isles – Restore the Archipelago.
- Northern Glaciation – Restore the Polluted Fjord.
- Urban Renewal – Restore the Irradiated Sprawl.