Dead Island 2 - Halperin Hotel

The first chunk of Dead Island 2‘s main story takes place in Bel-Air, but once you complete that section of the game, you’ll be heading to the Halperin Hotel. In the hotel, there are five safe-deposit boxes that can be unlocked if you locate the proper keys.

I’m going to walk you through the locations for all five keys.

Where to find Safe-Deposit Keys #09 and #14

Dead Island 2 - Safe Deposit Key 09

The first key is on a table pretty much as soon as you enter the hotel. That’s Safe-Deposit Key #09.

The next one, Safe-Deposit Key #14, is up on the second floor. Before you can access the second floor, though, you’ll need to get through the pool area. Once you do, you can wind around the back of the hotel and access a staircase. Eventually, you’ll find a closed-off elevator (more on that later), and beyond it is a crawlspace. If you crawl through it, you will see a bunch of fire, which can be extinguished either by throwing something at the fire extinguisher, or by using the Chem Bomb Curveball.

Safe Deposit Key #14 is in the Room 208, right next to the bed, though it’s actually really easy to miss this one if you don’t know exactly where to look.

Here’s a video showing the exact location of Safe-Deposit Keys #09 and #14:

Where to find Safe-Deposit Key #33

Dead Island 2 - Safe Deposit Key 33

Remember that closed elevator door I mentioned in the previous section? Well, you can actually open that. If you approach it, you will see a message taped to the wall (the message is titled “I’ll Be Waiting.”) If you remove that message, you will reveal the button pad beneath it. Press the button to call the elevator. Be careful, because you’ll have to fight some zombies, but once they’re defeated you should have access to Safe-Deposit Key #33.

Here’s a video showing this process:

Where to find Safe-Deposit Key #49

Dead Island 2 - Safe Deposit Key 49

When you reach the third floor, you’ll eventually find an area where you’re blocked from proceeding any further. In order to get to Room 307, you’re going to have to climb through the vents. In the vents, you will find Safe-Deposit Key #49.

Here’s a video showing the exact location:

Where to find Safe-Deposit Key #53

Dead Island 2 - Safe Deposit Key 53

Safe-Deposit Key #53 is up on the third floor, in Room 309. This is the room where you’ll find the Major once you get through Room 307. It’s hard to miss, because this room has a crafting bench in it. The key is in the bathroom, sitting on the rim of the bathtub.

Here’s a video showing the exact location of Safe-Deposit Key #53:

What’s inside these safe-deposit boxes?

You can stop reading here if you want this last part to be a surprise, but here’s a video of me opening all five boxes:

I don’t know how randomized the contents of these boxes are, but as you can see in the video, I ended up with a bunch of cash, some crafting parts, and a dagger. Not a bad haul, but also probably not worth the amount of effort it takes to find all five keys.

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