If you venture on over to the THQ Nordic webstore, you can secure your very own 12″ plushie version of Biomutant’s adorable mascot, all for the relatively low price of $24.95 US. I gotta admit, I’ve been enjoying glimpses of Biomutant’s irradiated and mutated world, pouring over trailers and trying to glean every last detail. But seeing this little guy just bowls me over.
Although it is currently in stock, the website says it wouldn’t actually arrive until December of this year, which is flippin’ crazy. That being said, if you don’t mind the wait, you might want to jump on this while the jumping is good.
And while you’re checking out the storefront, THQ does offer a small cache of other Biomutant-themed goodies, like a backpack, a pillow, shirts, a hat and the lusciously overpriced (in my opinion) collector’s editions of Biomutant — the more expensive of the two coming in at a whopping $400. Price tag aside, that monster does include quite a bit of juicy swag, so more power to you if you can afford this edition.
The storefront also has merch for a bevy of other THQ titles, old and new. If you are itching for some Destroy All Humans or Kingdoms of Amular collectibles and clothing, they’ve got you covered there as well.
But really, I think we can all agree that we’re just here for the Biomutant plushie.