Sniper Elite 5

The Sniper Elite series is something of a staple in the games industry. It’s one of those dependable franchises that spans generations, and I’m always glad when a new release rolls around. There’s just something infinitely satisfying about landing a clean headshot from 300 yards away, the sound masked by the backfire of a truck, only to get treated to an almost stomach-churning slow-motioned x-ray death cam of blood, bone, and other forms of viscera.

With Sniper Elite 5 set to release in about two months’ time, it won’t be long ’til we turn the pink-mist faucets to full blast and help win a friggin’ war. And to celebrate, the new Marksman Trailer from Rebellion Developments gives us a nice reintroduction to series protagonist and man-with-an-eagle-eye, Karl Fairburne.

It’s a pretty epic trailer for a character who is a thing of legends, showcasing how efficient and deadly Karl can be, using with his rifle or using environmental traps to dispatch some Jerries. Karl has seen some crap, and it looks like there’s plenty more for him to lay eyes on before he catches a break.

I love the slow, methodical pace of Sniper Elite‘s gameplay. In a lot of ways, it resembles the Hitman series — which is an obvious comparison. But where Agent 47 relies on elaborate costumes and Rube Goldberg-esque plans to execute his targets up close, Karl mostly employs his trusty rifle from a football field’s length or two away.

You can check out the Marksmen trailer below to get reacquainted with everybody’s favorite sniper in anticipation for Sniper Elite 5‘s May 26 launch.

I do feel obligated to warn you that this is a pretty graphic trailer. That’s just a word of caution for the squeamish, or for anyone sensitive to bullet-induced brain trauma and carnage.

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