Even if you don’t plan on picking up The Sims 4: Snowy Escape, you’ll be able to enjoy the latest update, which adds a slew of improvements and new features to the game. Sims will (allegedly) do their dishes in the kitchen sink and not the bathroom. Sentiments give your Sims better memories. Best of all, you can now create split-level rooms and platforms when building a home.
Even though this feature dramatically changes what you can do in Build-and-Buy mode, it isn’t that difficult to figure out. Here’s a quick overview of how you can create split-level floors and platforms in The Sims 4.

You can find the platform tool by selecting “Styled Rooms” and then “Walls and Empty Rooms” in the menu. You can add a platform to an existing room or start with a platform and add the rest of the house later.
Once you’ve added a platform, you can choose to elevate or lower it by selecting the room and then using the arrow key to move the platform up or down. This allows you to create elevated bathtubs, sunken living rooms, and all kinds of other interesting home design features.

You can also place platforms on top of platforms. This allows you to create faux steps, decorative floor patterns, and other distinctive effects. Always make sure you playtest your spaces before uploading a home to the gallery. You may need to add steps or a ladder so that your Sims can move around the space.
Once you’ve successfully built your new floors, you’ll need to decorate them. Wall and floor patterns won’t cover the edges of your platforms. Thankfully, the new patch added all kinds of Platform Trims to the game.

You don’t have to limit yourself to a standard square platform either. There are platform tools that allow you to build platforms in a variety of shapes, including L-Shaped Platforms, Rounded Platforms, and Octagonal Platforms. These tools work exactly like the standard platform tool; the only difference is the shape of the platform.

This feature is available to everyone with an updated copy of The Sims 4, including players that only have the base game. Whether you’re building a home from scratch, improving your kitchen, or just interested in experimenting, platforms are an easy-to-use feature that you’ll want to check out.