In Asterigos: Curse of the Stars, there is a secret boss called Soleucus the White Jaw. If you can defeat this monstrosity, you’ll earn the Apex Predator Trophy/Achievement. So where you can you find this boss fight?
Well, before you can go hunting for this dino-gator, you must complete the Event of Trinity, which is a super important story event that will happen close to the end of the game. When it occurs, the world will be plunged in darkness and it will be nighttime for the rest of the game. You really can’t miss this event.
Once you do that, teleport to the Hunters’ Camp Conduit in the Sunken Outskirts, then follow the path laid out in this video:
Soleucus looks like a pale version of Ravenous the Devourer, only it’s much, much stronger, with powerful attacks that can drain your health in an instant. Soleucus also has ice elemental attacks. I strongly recommend getting some ice defense. A good combo is the Aphes Legion Brooch and the Aphes Legion Ring (which I mentioned in my Hiems guide). However, if you’ve been able to acquire the Snowflake Tranquilite Pendant, then you’ll really have a stew going. I have to admit, I don’t remember where I got the Snowflake Tranquilite Pendant, unfortunately.

One thing that elevates Soleucus above Ravenous in terms of difficulty is that Soleucus can drop ice chunks that can explode and deal a ton of damage, so you have to be careful about how you maneuver around this arena. But unlike the ice patches dropped by Hiems, these ones won’t damage you until they explode. You can tell they’re about to explode because they will start glowing and swelling.
Also, there’s an attack where Soleucus flops around on the ground and starts rolling, and this is another attack that can give players a lot of trouble. There’s also an attack where the gator will blast out a high-intensity blast of water, but this one is easy to dodge as long as you’re not right in front of its face when it starts spewing water.
Personally, I like my go-to strategy of staying behind the boss as much as possible and watching for the tells for the brutal attacks. Soleucus is definitely more difficult than Ravenous, but it is still very much beatable.
And that’s how you defeat Soleucus the White Jaw to earn the Apex Predator Trophy/Achievement in Asterigos: Curse of the Stars.
If you want to see guides for all ten of the Trinity Challenge fights, I’ve got an index here.