Mortal Shell

Just shortly after Mortal Shell updated to version 1.05, there was an update to version 1.06. While the version 1.05 update was pretty minor, 1.06 looks to address a lot more things.

Here are the update notes:

  • Obsidian Boost: Foundling and Obsidian Foundling are now immune to harden pass through damage in NG+ (also solves a crash).
  • Hard Glimpses: Hadern drops Glimpses of Reverie in NG+
  • Close Sesame: Doors in the Temple of Ash are reset in NG+
  • Parry On: Fixes for parry/riposte bugs.
  • Sticky Situations: Fixes to some places where you could get stuck in Fallgrim.
  • Saving Throw: Various fixes to the way the game data is saved which helps prevent (and fix) progression blockers.
  • That was !#@#: Improved Hit Boxes on Tarsus.
  • Quick Draw: Swapping weapons at Hadern’s statue or Fallgrim Tower is instant.
  • Hey Zeus: The Unchained’s Minions are now destroyed immediately upon his death.
  • Credit where it’s due: Fixed some typos and added some people to the credits.

Note that in the PS4 menu, this is listed as version 1.05, which is actually incorrect. This is version 1.06.

While this is mostly fixes, 1.06 does address a substantial number of things. Let’s hope this pace keeps up, and that Mortal Shell‘s rough edges keep getting sanded off, because it’s a pretty phenomenal game.

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