Monster Hunter Stories 2

With Monster Hunter Stories 2‘s impressive character creator, you can create a Monster Rider with a look that you love. However, even if you’ve managed to create the perfect character, you might get sick of their appearance before the game is over. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to change your hairstyle in Monster Hunter Stories 2.

If you’re ready to give your character a fresh new do, you’ll want to head back to your character’s house. Once you’re there, look for a large chest on the floor. Select the chest, and you’ll be presented with some character customization options.

Monster Hunter Stories 2

You won’t have access to the full character creator, but you will have the opportunity to change your character’s hairstyle, hair color, and makeup. If you’ve purchased new hairstyles at a Melynx Inc. location, those styles will show up in your inventory.

While you’re here, you can also make some changes to the armor your character is wearing. It’s possible to alter the color set of any armor set in the game, allowing you to customize your armor and make it feel like it’s your own. Weapons and armor play an important role in Monster Hunter Stories 2, and these customization options allow you to wear the strongest armor available without sacrificing your sense of style.

Monster Hunter Stories 2

Whether you’ve just spent your Bottlecaps on a Kelbi Braid or are having some regrets about the hairstyle you selected for your character, it’s pretty easy to swap out your old style for a fresh new look. While you’re at your house, you should also stop by your bed and save your game. You’ll need a proper save if you want to transfer your save data from the demo to the full game.

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