Genshin Impact - Venti

Update: Just one day after the Ballad in Goblets event ended, the Sparkling Steps event kicked off, adding Klee to the game.

If you logged into Genshin Impact during the game’s first three weeks, you might be familiar with the Ballad in Goblets event. This event let you spend Intertwined Fate (one of the game’s many, many currencies) on wishes with an increased chance of scoring Venti, one of the best characters in the game.

And even if you’re not familiar with the term Ballad in Goblets, you’re probably at least vaguely familiar with this screen:

Genshin Impact - Ballad in Goblets

If you look closely at that screen, you’ll notice that there’s an expiration date for the Ballad in Goblets event. That expiration date has now passed (it expired early in the morning on October 19), removing the event from Genshin Impact entirely.

There’s a big problem with this: Ballad in Goblets was the only thing in the game that you could spend Intertwined Fate on. The only wishing option right now is Wanderlust Invocation, which costs one Acquaint Fate per wish. If you have a bunch of Intertwined Fate waiting to be spent, well, you’re just going to have to sit on it for a while.

Now, I’m sure there will be another event to fill that spot eventually, and Intertwined Fate will be useful again at some point in the future. But Genshin Impact is just a few weeks old and one if its major currencies (which a lot of people have probably stockpiled) is temporarily useless.

And, I don’t know, this seems like bad news to me.

Genshin Impact was a game that whooshed a lot of us off to a gorgeous fantasy world filled with adventure in the beginning. But as we get deeper into it, the game’s sins are piling up and the things that once seemed great about it are wearing out their welcome. I’m certainly not alone in feeling burnt out due to the game’s Resin system, and now one of the only reasons I would have to drop real-world cash on this game (limited-time wishes) has dried up.

I do hope Genshin Impact can turn this around quickly. Those of us who hit the grind really hard in the early stages are running out of reasons to keep coming back. And sure, there are updates planned for the future, but without some fundamental changes to the core experience, those updates feel a bit like putting real frosting on a cardboard cake.

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